Work Samples

Advancement Project Proposal

Led and designed one creative direction as an exist logo update for the Advancement Project rebranding. 

Team: Champions Design


Created motion graphics, 3D animation and graphics for Quad branding design directions.

Team: Champions Design
Direction 1
Direction 2
Direction 3

The Children’s Art Carnival 

This is a rebranding & website redesign for The Children’s Art Carnival, a Harlem-based non-profit organization. Our team aims to create a welcoming playground that communicates the organization’s mission and opens for participants of all ages. The website also encourages artists to join the CAC’s workshops and events to enhance their professional experiences.
check out official website︎︎︎
Role: research, wireframe, style guide, website implementation.
Team: Defne Kaynak, Tiffany Cruz, Aman Gebre

NetEase Yanxuan New Brand Guidelines 2021

PDF avaliable upon request

Lady M Bon Bon 2019

Thursday Dec 1 2022